Our Mission

To develop a sustainable and responsible platform for members and to encourage and assist all activities for cultivating habit of savings and thrift. We will also create and sustain a professional environment that encourages employee initiatives, boosts the confidence of our shareholders and exceeds expectation of our customers. And above all, leverage innovations in the field of technology to improve the quality of service and operations of the company.

Our Vision

The vision is "Public Property" by offering financial service to all groups of people & offering a equal opportunity to all, to live an improved life by financial enablement & empowerment. The mission of the society is to create self sufficient sustainable ecosystem member through co-operation. Society is to enable financial inclusion by providing affordable financial service to the under -privileged social excluded community, & inculcate the saving habit. The society is authorized by its law to accept deposit from its member under different schemes from saving account to term deposit like Daily Deposit, Monthly Deposit and Fixed Deposit.

How to Join

It’s Very Easy if you join our Nidhi So you just fill a simple membership form with valid Id & Address Proof, Own (3) Photograph,and Deposit a Some of Rs. 100/- and contact
